Saturday, February 5, 2011
Or how to go from Mr. Skinny to… well a little bit over… No, wait! Let’s say that he is in a VERY good shape …3
Four months ago he was a very skinny poor little guy who fou
nd his way to our house in a last attempt to survive. Now, still learning to trust human beings, he has become a strong young boy with one passion in life: FOOD and especially cheese! As soon as I open the fridge, he rushes into the kitchen and sits down beside me, waiting for pieces of Gouda cheese, his favorite… but OK the guy's name is Vincent, right? Just hope that it doesn’t mean that he’ll lost one ear... a bit nervous when it comes to cat names, you know …


Unknown said...

He is good looking boy!
I'm sure he loves his diet of guinea pig and cheese:)

Ullis said...

Lovely Vincent <3<3<3

S*Neospride said...

WoW are U sure Its the same cat? He is adorable :)

Annelie said...

Wonderful to see him with shiny coat, yummy tummy and so full of life! = )